We have been publishing vacancies since 2012.

As a result, your vacancy will be seen by our large network of motivated lawyers, attorneys and employees with a legal background.

With us, you have the opportunity to find the right candidate for your vacancy in the legal sector. We place strong emphasis on online marketing and ensure that your vacancy is visible on social media, among other things, giving your vacancy even more visibility among potential candidates.


€ 449 excl. VAT
  • Job online for 90 days
  • Posted on social media
  • Jobalert
  • Extra push on social media
  • Featured Job
  • Maximum visibility
Contact us


€ 649 excl. VAT
  • Job online for 90 days
  • Posted on social media
  • Jobalert
  • Extra push on social media
  • Featured Job
  • Maximum visibility
Contact us
Send your vacancy or question directly to team@legaljob.be

Create more reach and publish your job posting in an additional language

Additional language

* per additional language and excluding VAT

Additional language

* per additional language and excluding VAT

How do we work?

  • Send us your vacancy
  • We publish the vacancy
  • We launch ads
  • We post on social media
  • We do not work exclusively
  • We do not tacitly renew anything
Send us your vacancy team@legaljob.be

Some of our clients